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West of Salem is a community resource for education, services and networking for and about Pagans, Wiccans, Heathens and/or Witches. Our purpose is to empower others to dream their mystical soul into being. Whether you identify as a seeker, healer, mystic or other... we offer a positive atmosphere for the experienced practitioner to the novice.

Shannon Krone


Shannon is an ordained minister and High Priestess since 2002. She grew up Catholic and, in her quest to enrich her religious and philosophical beliefs, she studied and taught Christian and Jewish education in private school settings. To expand her spiritual knowledge, Shannon practiced Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism out of Santa Barbara, California and Wicca & Shamanism out of Salem, Connecticut. Her knowledge and experience throughout the years has sharpened her skills as a psychic and spiritual mentor. She has recently returned to her earth-connection in California where she is excited to launch West of Salem!

Steve Krone


Steve was mentored in his youth by his spiritually attuned grandmother. Among many divinations she taught him divining with traditional playing cards and celebrating with music! Steve is also naturally gifted in prophetic dreaming and ritual spell work.  Like his grandmother, he is passionate about music and incorporates rhythm and song into most of his work. Born in the sign of the dragon and baring a large dragon birthmark, he is a protector by nature and, in fact, spent most of his life working as an officer.


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