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Our services at West of Salem are intended to foster a deeper understanding of one's self. We offer support during your effort to understand and influence the events in your life, with a positive code of ethics. Here at West of Salem, we honor both the individual and the embodiment of divine spirit. This connection may be discovered in loving memory of one who has passed, one's own "gut" intuition or through a guardian angel.


Our practice is  protected under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. West of Salem upholds civil and religious freedoms guaranteed to all citizens and we resist those who seek to restrict or suppress those rights! Individuals and circumstances vary, therefore results are not guaranteed. Intent is a key element behind our actions. For this reason spells are prepared for (not performed for) our clients. It is our belief that your intention and efforts for change must be your own.


Tell us your need and we will customize a spell to aide your intention! Spell kits are mailed direct to the user with clear instructions. Professional and knowledgeable support for your customized spell is free with purchase. West of Salem is ready to assist your questions. There are no refunds for any reason. We stand by our services and your authorization for payment is also an agreement to these terms of service.

Rev. Shannon Krone is an ordained minister of 15 years with the Universal Life Church. Her broad background in spiritual practices lends to her ability to customize rituals and design ceremonies that meet the expectations of your special day! She is available to officiate for residents of Los Angeles and Ventura County, CA. Visit our "Book Online" page and reserve her services today!

Your request for a Tarot Reading grants us access to the energies currently influencing your life. You are not required to reveal the question at hand, nor is it necessary for you to have a question in mind.  It is our belief the wisdom you are meant to receive will be revealed to you! Advance payment is required and there are  no refunds for any reason. Ours is a business built on testimonials. We stand by our services and your authorization for payment is  an agreement to these terms of service.

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